Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Giggles & Super Heros - Family Shoot in Bakersfield

It was such a privilege to have the opportunity to meet and work with Michelle and Daniel. We had a blast! Shooting 2 year olds is never an easy task....but it's so worth the loss of breath chasing these little ones across the fields and seeing them glow in awe of such incredible open space. Kids could run for days...

Thanks to a local photographers recommendation, I was able to shoot in the perfect fields with old rustic barns and corrals.  This is the type of geography that Los Angeles city kids, such as myself, long for...I suppose the grass is always greener (pun intended).

Thanks again Michelle and Daniel...your family is adorable!

P.S. Daniel is a trained expert para-glider in Kern County... hence the fun goggles! I can't wait to take him up on his offer to view the valley from his perspective!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Valerie:

    Thank you so much!!! We really had a lot of fun! And you were great with Christopher. Like you said, two year olds are not easy to photograph and you got so many great pictures. We love them! Thanks for meeting us here, the location was great. And thanks for all the props, they really kept Chris entertained. Thank you so much!!!

    PS: Yes please when the weather is nicer, you and your husband need to come over to fly. ;-)


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